Hypothyroid Issues

Blame It On Iodine

If you are seriously trying to lose weight, chances are have tried several different programs. Many of you are […]

Hypothyroid Signs

Hypothyroidism – Low Thyroid

Hypothyroidism (low thyroid)is a hormone imbalance caused when the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone. What are the […]


Hypothyroid FAQs

Green Tea Increases Metabolism

Green Tea Extract Increases Metabolism, May Aid in Weight Loss In a study reported on in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, it was found that green tea extract resulted in a significant increase in energy expenditure (a measure of metabolism), plus also had a significant effect on fat oxidation. Whilesome of the effects were originally theorized to be due to the caffeine content of green tea, the researchers discovered that the tea actually has properties that go beyond those that would be explained by the caffeine. […]

Trouble Losing Weight Could Mean You Have A Thyroid Disorder

A thyroid disorder called hypothyroidism means you have an underactive thyroid gland. If you have trouble losing weight no matter what you do, it could be because you are hypothyroid. There are almost 30 million Americans with thyroid disease and women are 7 times more likely than men to have it. Hypothyroid is the most common thyroid disorder and often misdiagnosed by doctors. You may get this because it is inherited, or because of previous problems, such as nodules, goiter, thyroid cancer, previous thyroid surgery, another autoimmune […]

Menopause And Hypothyroidism

In the United States, more than 20% of the women in menopause are diagnosed with hypothyroidism – a sluggish thyroid. Women need to understand the consequences of menopause on the thyroid, as with the increase in age, more women are affected by hypothyroidism. Menopause and hypothyroidism have common symptoms, such as depressed mood, decreased energy and decreased memory, among others. Often these symptoms are taken to be due to menopause, leading to delayed diagnosis of hypothyroidism. Hormones in women’s bodies are balanced delicately and hormonal imbalance occurs […]

Hypothyroidism and Why It Occurs

The thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland found in the base of the neck that forms part of the endocrine system. It produces and releases the two thyroid hormones thyroxine and triiodothyronine. Symptoms of hypothyroidism come about when the thyroid gland slows down or completely ceases to produce thyroid hormones. There are several reasons why hypothyroidism may occur and below are some of the factors that can cause it to happen. Blood test can determine if an under active thyroid is a result of an autoimmune […]