Category Archives: Hypothyroid Signs

Hypothyroidism – Low Thyroid

Hypothyroidism (low thyroid)is a hormone imbalance caused when the thyroid does not produce enough thyroid hormone. What are the Symptoms of Hypothyroid? The most common are fatigue and intolerance to cold. If everybody is wearing short sleeves and you are wearing a jacket, you most likely have a hypothyroid issue. Other common symptoms are mental instability or depression, muscle weakness and fatigue, poor memory, lethargy and headaches. Still other symptoms are deep slow speech, loss of hair, cold hands and feet, constipation, pale thick skin, brittle nails, […]

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Hypothyroidism Creating Metabolism Problems

Hypothyroidism is a condition under which production of thyroid hormone is far less than usual. The purpose of thyroid hormone is to focus on the body’s metabolism and when that is hit, it results in slow metabolism. Slow metabolism affects the growth, development and many cellular processes which can have adverse effect on your body. Many people are victims to this disease, women in general bear the brunt most of the times. The increasing age is another reason to be affected by this disease. In early stages […]

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Signs And Symptoms Of Hypothyroidism

Hypothyroidism is often thought of as being a disease which is easily treated, however in most cases the patient can be suffering from various symptoms for a long time before the disease is actually detected and diagnosed. In fact, if left untreated for too long the results can be fatal. The patient will usually experience several symptoms which can be accompanied by an irregular heartbeat. This can then progress into a coma and then sadly death. For this reason it is important to be able to recognise […]

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